Letting yourself be captured by sound and consciously perceiving it - In a time when music is blaring in the background of every supermarket or elevator, many people have forgotten to listen carefully. As host, I have a mission: I want nothing less than to create a musical experience with vinyl, a record player and the necessary technical requirements that will touch you.

My idea and an example:

Guests sit eagerly in the armchairs of our newly designed Kaminstube. The martini is shaken, not stirred. The first crack, then the music starts. The sounds of the record bring James Bond to life in the fireside lounge. The audience listens spellbound and travels through the various agent thrillers, carried along by the unforgettable sound of the title songs.

With this sound room on the Alp, I have also fulfilled a dream of my own: "I love music and have always wanted to give it more importance in our hotel. At a time when music is always present everywhere, it is a special listening pleasure to consciously perceive it. I want to inspire our guests to take the time and leisure to listen to the melodies." There will be themed evenings where everything revolves around a particular style of music. In addition to James Bond classics, the program includes jazz, rock, soul and whatever the guests want. Guests can also bring their own vinyl albums. The record player in the Kaminstube is intended to be a meeting place for like-minded people who want to (re)discover new sounds together and exchange ideas.

For me, the record means much more than just good sound. "The passion for this is closely linked to my great love, Barbara"

When we first met, we bought a lot of records and listened to them together. Phil Collins, Cat Stevens, Kate Bush, Al Jarreau or the Beatles to name but a few. Countless memories and our lives are linked to it.

For us, music enjoyment and quality of life go hand in hand.

"Putting the record on, slowly lowering the tonearm, the first crack when the needle comes up and then the sound where you can feel your heart beating. Wow!"

To integrate the sound system harmoniously into the fireplace parlor, we turned to

Marcel and Thomas with their manufactory "Der Klangarchitekt" in Nesselwang/Wald. The technology behind a record player is a real craft and so it couldn't be a run-of-the-mill record cabinet. After some professional sound tastings with the boys, the choice fell on the company Pro-Ject. "When we first came to the studio in the neighboring village, we actually just wanted a pair of headphones".

"We are all the more pleased that such a great idea has emerged from this with the great help of the sound architects.

We are already looking forward to your reactions when we can finally welcome you back.

Here's to "hearing" again
Your Bernd